Forms – The JRP Forms Download area contains many of the standard forms the JRP uses for those coming under care, seeking licensure, seeking a call, or the reports for the ordination and installation of ministers within the Presbytery.
Other Useful Resources
All resources below are in the EPUB format with the exception of the PCA BCO and the Westminster Standards, which are in PDF format. This format is ideal for electronic readers. These resources have been created from HTML or PDF files to be ideal for viewing on readers and are provided here for the benefit of Christ’s Church at large. If you have a resource you would like to recommend be converted to this format, please contact the Webmaster.
- The Apostle’s Creed
- The Athanasian Creed
- The Belgic Confession
- Calvin’s Institutes
- The Canons of Dordt
- The Chalcedon Creed
- Christianity and Liberalism – J. Gresham Machen
- The City of God – Augustine
- The Divine Right of Church Government
- Fisher’s Catechism
- The Geneva Catechism
- The Marrow of Modern Divinity – Edward Fisher
- The Nicene Creed
- The Origin of Paul’s Religion – J. Gresham Machen
- The PCA Book of Church Order (2012)
- The PCA Book of Church Order (2011)
- The Presbyterian Standards: An Exposition of the Westminster Standards – Francis R. Beattie
- The Second Helvetic Confession
- Summary of Christian Doctrine, by Louis Berkhof
- Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof
- A Treatise on Ruling Elders and Deacons – James Guthrie
- The True History of Paedocommunion – Matthew Winzer
- The Westminster Confession of Faith
- The Westminster Larger Catechism
- The Westminster Shorter Catechism
- Which is the Apostolic Church? – Thomas Witherow
- Why I Believe in God – Van Til